Seasons and Scenery

Seasons and Scenery

Loving this outfit! The black bodysuit and my favorite jeans are my staples. The scarf was found @target and I couldn’t resist. These are a few of my favorite things! Oh and those boots?? High five @sorel! You nailed these! They are so comfortable and I love the wedge!

Seasons and scenery. Is it seriously almost December?

I love the fact that here in Colorado – we get to experience all four seasons. The weather here is unpredictable and let’s face it, I love surprises! The cool thing about seasons is they are and will always be forever changing. A longer season can represent life- sometimes you have to stick it out (Sound like I’m speaking from experience here?). Other times you just can’t enjoy a particular season enough. No matter how long it is. That being said, soak up the season you are in. If it is a tough one, weather the storm and if it is one of beauty, soak up every second of it! What is your favorite season?



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